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Application for Employment

We are an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Please type and answer all required questions—applications are considered current for 30 days. 
*  Asterisks indicate required fields to submit the RAMS employment application.

    Personal Information

    First Name *


    Last Name *

    Phone Number *

    Email Address *

    Street *

    City *

    State *

    ZIP *

    Are you 18 years or older? *

    Are you a U.S. citizen or otherwise currently authorized to obtain lawful employment in this country? *

    If the job desired required the use of motor vehicle, do you have a valid Wisconsin driver's license?

    If the job desired requires the use of a commercial driver's license, do you have a valid commercial driver's license?

    Have you ever pleaded guilty to or been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony? *

    If yes, provide further information as to the offense(s), date, location of court, and so forth. If the job you are applying for requires you to operate a motor vehicle, include traffic convictions. Rams Contracting will consider your record only as it may substantially relate to the job for which you are applying.

    Date of Application *

    Employment Desired

    Position Applying For *

    Date available to start *

    Desired Salary/Wage *

    Have you applied here before? Yes/No—If Yes, when?

    Education and Training

    High School

    High School Name and Location

    Years Attended

    Subjects Studied

    Graduation Status


    College Name and Location

    Years Attended

    Subjects Studied

    Graduation Status

    Trade or Business School

    Trade or Business School Name and Location

    Years Attended

    Subjects Studied

    Graduation Status

    Other Training (Relevant to the position applied for)

    Previous Employers (Up to three positions)

    Are You Currently Employed Now? *

    May We Contact Your Current Employer?

    1) Work Experience

    Employer Name *

    Phone *

    Employer Address *

    Job Title *

    Supervisor Name *

    From (Month & Year) *

    To (Month & Year) *

    Total time employed

    Last Rate of Pay *

    Duties *

    2) Work Experience

    Employer Name


    Employer Address

    Job Title

    Supervisor Name

    From (Month & Year)

    To (Month & Year)

    Total time employed

    Last Rate of Pay


    3) Work Experience

    Employer Name


    Employer Address

    Job Title

    Supervisor Name

    From (Month & Year)

    To (Month & Year)

    Total time employed

    Last Rate of Pay


    3 Personal References (Not related to you)

    1) Reference

    Name *

    Address *

    Telephone Number *

    Business *

    Years Acquainted *

    2) Reference



    Telephone Number


    Years Acquainted

    3) Reference



    Telephone Number


    Years Acquainted


    I certify that all information on this application is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false or misleading statements by me, or material omissions of information requested of me, may result in rejection of my application or, if employed, my immediate dismissal. I hereby give permission to the employer to seek to verify and supplement the information set forth in the application. I release from liability or legal claims every person seeking or providing information, whether oral or written. A photocopy of this release shall be as valid as the original, and may be relied upon all persons providing information. I understand that employment with this employer is not contractual and is at-will. I understand and agree that, if hired, I may voluntarily leave employment at any time, and may be terminated at any time without prior notice for any reason, or no reason. I understand that any oral or written statements which I may claim to have been made to me now or in the future inconsistent with this provisions of this paragraph, are expressly disavowed and revoked by the company, and should not be relied upon by me as an applicant for employment or as an employee, if hired. I understand that I may be required to submit to a medical examination if offered a position conditioned on such examination. I also understand that I may be required to submit to testing for controlled substances and for other drugs. I understand this application will be considered inactive after thirty days.

    I certify I have read (or have had read to me) and understand this authorization, release, and certification. *

    Date *

    Applicant's Name (print or type) *

    Applicant's Email Address *

    Affirmative Action Voluntary Information

    We consider all applicants for positions without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, disability, arrest or conviction record, sexual orientation, marital status, military service membership, use of lawful products, or other similarly protected status. We also comply with all applicable laws governing employment practices and do not discriminate on the basis of any unlawful criteria. To be completed by applicant on a voluntary basis. Not for interview purposes. In an effort to comply with requirements regarding government recordkeeping, reporting and other legal obligations which may apply, we invite you to complete this applicant data survey. Providing this information is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY. Failure to provide will not subject you to any adverse personnel decision or actions. Your cooperation is appreciated. Please be advised that this survey is not a part of your official application for employment. It will not be used in any hiring decision. The information will be used and kept confidential in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

    Referral Source

    If "Other," please specify where you heard about this position:

    Name of person who referred you (if applicable)